Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Future of Technology

We've all thought about once, haven't we? Every time we buy some kind of device, we know that there will be a more powerful, convenient, and fun device to follow it. So here is what I think Is going to happen to the electronic industry;

The Stuff Happening Now
Devices such as the Iphone, Droid, And Windows Phone start to mock computers, containing pretty much everything a computer can do.

The device
In a certain amount of years, maybe 1- maybe 20, A device shall be released by a major company (Probably Apple or Microsoft) that shall do everything that a computer can do, and more.

The Death of Computers
Because of this new device, computers will simply transformed into a mobile device. The word "Computer" will become history. Televisions will also be a thing of the past.

The Fading of Video Game consoles

With this new device,that will probably be able to be plugged into some sort of monitor or bigger scree, video games will probably be available, probably all on an in-device store. Nintendo will direct all there attention to making games, still being slightly successful.

The War

Eventually a new device will come from another company, and the devices will go back and forth until the device doesn't have anything it can't do.
And beyond there, I don't know.


Sunday, August 14, 2011

Angry Birds Review

Angry Birds


The most popular application on the market- but is it overrated?

If you walked up to someone who doesn't own an apple device, and asked them name one app from the app store, 9 of 10 times that answer would be "Angry Birds". Angry birds- is Apple's Mario.

In case you were born under a rock and have never heard of angry birds, it is a massively popular game available on many phones and ipod touches. In the hundreds of levels of birds, you launch different types of "Birds" at the "pigs" forts, with your objective to destroy all the pigs with the amount of birds provided. Not as easy as it might sound. There are various types of birds- one that drops a bomb, one that splits into three birds, one that explodes on contact, and a few others. The levels progressively get harder, and some seem impossible.

The difficulty of this game can be so intense, you'll probably scream aloud a few times in the first few minutes. Even those who dash to Youtube at every level will still find difficultly. The restart level button will become your best friend, and if it counted the number of times you pressed it- the number wouldn't exist.

Angry birds provides an addicting challenge, but it isn't as satisfying as you might think. The level system works like this; there are several episodes (currently 6) and each contains three worlds. Each world contains 15-20 levels, so it will be awhile before you find yourself tackling the challenge of getting 3 stars on every level. So that gives you about 305 levels of madness.

Angry birds is a unique, addictive mix of a puzzler and plat former- and the word "Angry" defiantly belongs in the title.

Final Score-


Just below incredible

~M.S. AppleChomp